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전문가에 의하여 주문을 받아서 만들어지는 비표준 케이블 배급 상자

번호 검색 :0     저자 :맨시 리     게시: 2023-04-04      원산지 :Zhongshan Yishang Metal Products Co., Ltd

귀하의 메시지

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*YISHANG Customized cable branch box is outdoor design, fully sealed structure, the protection class of the cabinet can reach IP33.

*The cable joint bracket is made of stainless steel, and the external form is made of 2mm high-quality stainless steel plate. 

*The inner part of the box is divided into bus room and cable bin by the cable warehouse roof. 

*The bus room is a sealed room enclosed by 2mm steel plate. 

*The cable joint bracket is located at the upper part of the bus room to support the bushing, which is used to fix the cable joint. 

*The interphase distance of the cable joint is 180mm.

*For the arrester type, the arrester is installed at the end of the cable connector.

*In addition, the short circuit indicator and live display are also installed in the bus room. All live parts of bus room are treated with strict silicone rubber insulation.

*The cable warehouse is located in the lower part of the bus room, which is the channel for cable entry and exit. There are cable fixing clamps and grounding terminals in the warehouse.


project data project data
 nominal voltage 12kV Joint resistance 40 μΩ
rated current 630A Conductor operating temperature <95ºC
 rated frequency 50Hz  partial discharge ≤l0pc/13kV
Rated thermal stable current 20kA/3s  moisture test 11kV/100 pass
Rated dynamic steady current (peak) 50kA Applicable cable type XLPE
power frequency withstand voltage  45kA/1min Applicable cable section 25°C~4 00°C
Lightning shock withstand voltage 105kV Applicable ambient temperature -40P~+50°C

Applicable altitude <3000m


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남: +86-13590721715
이자형: huxanhe@zsyishang.com
A: 1&2F, 빌딩 B, Liancheng 빌딩, No. 21 Deyuan South Rd 12 Lane, Jidongyi, Xiaolan, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China 528415
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