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굽힘 각도 오류를 처리하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

번호 검색 :0     저자 :맨시 리     게시: 2023-04-11      원산지 :Zhongshan Yishang Metal Products Co., Ltd

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If you encounter bending angle errors while working with metal, there are several ways to handle them, depending on the severity of the error:

Measure and confirm the error: Use a protractor or angle finder to measure the angle of the bend and compare it to the desired angle. Confirm the error before attempting to correct it.

Adjust the bending machine: If the error is small, you may be able to adjust the bending machine to correct it. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for the machine and make adjustments as necessary.

Use shims: If the error is small and the bending machine cannot be adjusted, you can use shims to adjust the angle. Place shims under the metal before bending to adjust the angle.

Cut and re-bend: If the error is large, you may need to cut the metal and re-bend it. This is a more time-consuming and costly solution, but it may be necessary for large errors.

Seek professional help: If you have any technical questions about bending, please feel free to consult us at any time, and we will provide you with a perfect solution.


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